BetaFPV Pavo pico canopy Walksnail 1S holder.

Some time ago I bought a BetaFPV Pavo Pico.

I liked this whoop so I decided that it would be a new toy for testing microvee antennas :).
I decided to use the walksnail 1S module because it was lying around waiting for some drone.
The Pavo Pico seems to be the best choice for it at the moment 🙂
Everything is fine, but for the Pavo you have to figure out how to fit the VTX and camera into the factory frames.
I decided to design my own housing so that the camera, microvee antenna and VTX itself would compose nicely.
A few prototypes and we have nice canopy.

Decidie to print it from technical resin. 
I think that it looks nicely. 
Now it’s time to test it how performs.