BetaFPV Pavo pico canopy for Walksnail 1S holder – Part two :)

My new task is progressing slowly no my new canopy for BetaFPV Pavo Pico. However, I don’t think I can come up with anything else. Walksnail 1s fits nicely. Caliper and solidworks helped a lot in my design 🙂So far, I like the effect – almost…I designed new propeller guards. I decided to print them Read more about BetaFPV Pavo pico canopy for Walksnail 1S holder – Part two 🙂[…]

BetaFPV Pavo pico canopy for Walksnail 1S holder.

I decided to go back to flying and use some of the stuff I bought some time ago – I’m mainly talking about the Walksanil 1s which I bought on pre-sale and was waiting for good times. I also wanted to finally test the ELRS. It’s bit strange -I make antennas and I haven’t even Read more about BetaFPV Pavo pico canopy for Walksnail 1S holder.[…]