BetaFPV Pavo pico canopy for Walksnail 1S holder.

I decided to go back to flying and use some of the stuff I bought some time ago – I’m mainly talking about the Walksanil 1s which I bought on pre-sale and was waiting for good times. I also wanted to finally test the ELRS. It’s bit strange -I make antennas and I haven’t even flown for two years. Well, I did fly but the Mavic doesn’t count πŸ™‚
I choose that next drone will be whoop – I can at least de-stress at work. I did some searching and I really liked the BetaFPV Pavo pico. I think it will be an interesting platform for testing MicroVee antennas and antennas for 2.4ghz ELRS.

When the Pavo Pico arrived, it turned out that I hadn’t thought it through carefully and that I would have to tinker a bit to fit the Walksnail 1S.

I also found that the frame is exceptionally weak.
Well, you have to fire up Solidworks, grab a caliper and get to work.
It will probably take some time because we have a lot of orders and the most important thing is to fulfill them.

As usual, I started looking for ready-made solutions but nothing interesting on the web. I also found that BetaFPV used to provide CAD files for sub100g (which was a prototype) but they don’t provide them anymore. I wrote to them but no response – screw them.

I’ll handle the issue myself.

I decided to print the camera frame from technical resin on one of our Saturn printer.
It’s a good thing because I have such a resin that should work perfectly here.

I wonder how many versions there will be before I’m satisfied πŸ™‚

Soon will show resoults…