Best Antennas for Long-Range FPV: Low Band Edition

Hey FPV fanatics! Let’s talk about the best long-range antennas for the 5100-5400 MHz Low Band. If you’re into pushing your drone to the limit, you’ll want to check out these top picks.

  1. Pagoda: The All-Rounder

This bad boy is your go-to for versatility. Here’s the lowdown:

  • Frequency: 5100-5400 MHz
  • Gain: 2.5 dBi
  • VSWR: Under 1.3
  • Available in RHCP or LHCP
  • Cable: 140mm long

The Pagoda 2.1 is tough as nails and perfect for all kinds of flying. Whether you’re zipping through trees or cruising open fields, this antenna’s got your back.

  1. Pagoda Super Long: The Distance Demon

Want to push it further? The Pagoda Super Long is your new best friend:

  • Stretches out to 210mm
  • Better signal over long distances
  • Crushes it in tricky environments

This beast is all about maxing out your range while keeping that sweet, sweet signal strong.

  1. 5 Turn Helical: The Long-Range entry antenna

For the serious long-range junkies, the Helical antenna is where it’s at:

  • Frequency: 5100-5400 MHz
  • Gain: A whopping 11 dBi
  • Beam width: 45° at peak, up to 100° close-up
  • VSWR: Less than 1.2

This directional powerhouse is perfect for those “how far can I go” days.


But wait, there’s more! For those truly insane long-range missions, we’ve got something special:

12 Turn and 18 Turn Helical: These bad boys are the cream of the crop for extreme distance flying. Here’s why they’re awesome:

  • Even higher gain (up to 14 dBi for 12-turn and 16 dBi for 18-turn)
  • Super focused beam for maximum range
  • Perfect for breaking personal distance records

If you’re all about pushing the limits of FPV range, these high-turn helicals are your new best friends. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility – make sure you’re flying within legal limits and always keep safety in mind.

Whether you’re rocking a 5, 12, or 18 turn helical, you’re setting yourself up for some epic long-range adventures in the 5100-5400 MHz band. The higher the turn count, the further you can potentially go – just be ready for a more focused beam that requires precise aiming.

Antenna Placement 101

No matter which antenna you pick, remember:

  • Higher is better: Less interference, clearer signal
  • Line of sight is key: The clearer the path, the better the range

Picking Your Perfect Match

When choosing the best FPV antenna for you, think about:

  • How you fly: Freestyle or straight-line missions?
  • Your exact frequency needs within the Low Band
  • Matching polarization with your gear
  • How much range you really need


Whether you go for the versatile Pagoda, the far-reaching Pagoda Super Long, or the laser-focused Helical, you’re setting yourself up for some epic long-range adventures in the 5100-5400 MHz band. Just remember to keep it legal and fly safe out there!